What's in a Name

When his family's name was scrubbed from a public park, Sandy Kahn made sure the family legacy lives on.

Freemasons of the Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team

Band of Brothers

In Oklahoma, a Native American degree team is preserving a legacy.

Politics, Religion, Money

A "manliness" expert on talking about sensitive subjects.

Freemasons of Crow Canyon Lodge No. 551 in Castro Valley, California

Centennial Salute

A surge of new lodges 100 years ago continue to reverberate today.

At Santa Barbara No. 192, Masonic Relief Comes From the Heart. Don Goldberg, the lead of the lodge's outreach team, and the lodge earned the 2023 Joe Jackson Award for Masonic outreach.

From the Heart

For Santa Barbara No. 192, Masonic outreach isn't just an obligation.

Freemasons of Academia Lodge No. 847 in Oakland, California. "Most people treat it like a dare," says the organizer of an elaborate Masonic tribute to Robbie Burns, the poet laureate of the lodge.

Most People Treat it like a dare

In Oakland, inside a Masonic Burns Supper.

Freemason and Los Angeles tattoo artist Rene Ceniceros

Member Profile: Rene Ceniceros

A Masonic tattoo artist on "greasing up" familiar designs.


California Freemason Blog


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