Category archive
for History

Past, Present

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What one lodge’s mothballed painting tells us about its earliest days

Quarantine, Disease, and Masonic Relief—170 Years Ago

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During the Sacramento Cholera Outbreak of 1850, Masons took the reins of a public health emergency.

A Work of Art

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A new bronze sculpture of Grand Master Charles A. Adams cements his legacy.

In His Blood

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For Past Master Fred Flint-Montero, Penrhyn Masonry is an inherited trait.

Alchemy and the Transmutation of a Freemason

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The hunt for gold is—metaphorically, anyway—central to Freemasonry.

Of Their Own Free Will and Accord

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Freemasonry’s relationship with women evolved during its long history. How has this relationship changed over time, and why are separate streams of Masonry likely to continue?

Faith of Our Fathers

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At the birth of our country, the Masonic Founding Fathers who signed the U.S. Constitution instilled the values of Freemasonry within our democratic government.

Creating a Culture That Unites

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Junior Grand Warden Arthur H. Weiss explains the beauty and significance of Masonic material culture.

The Masons of Jazz

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From Count Basie to Cab Calloway to Duke Ellington, many of the American jazz greats of the early- to mid- 20th century […]

A Crown Of Youth

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Written in 1919, the DeMolay ritual is an amalgamation of Masonic traditions and influences.