The Pin Code
How do you tell a life story, set new goals, and define your legacy—all on a single lapel pin?
By Jeffery M. Wilkins
Junior Grand Warden
When you think of Masonic folk art, what comes to mind? A fabulously crafted woodwork piece, like the ones made by Chris Holme, or is it a hand-carved gavel passed down from a father to his son as he assumes the oriental chair in their lodge? Maybe it’s even the Emile Norman endomosaic mural that graces our Grand Lodge lobby.
There isn’t a wrong answer. And in this issue of the magazine, we’re celebrating the many forms and strong heritage of folk art within the fraternity—whether they’re woodcraft, textiles, even music. The common theme is creativity finding an outlet within Freemasonry. It’s in that expression that the artist is filled with a sense of pride that we can all share in through their work. When we practice Masonry, the experience of conferring a degree, delivering a lecture or a charge, or completing a ritual proficiency brings us a similar sense of joy and pride. Like the artist with their work, we are crafting something that has the ability to create change within ourselves and transform those we share it with.
As we practice Masonry, we pass along our traditions, our heritage, and our culture to new members of our family. Masonic folk art provides a representation of our fraternal culture to the rest of society. It offers a way to share the beauty of a piece of work while sparking interest in its deeper meanings.
These artistic expressions are as important to Masonry as they are to the wider world. Just as Masonry practiced by brothers enriches society as a whole, the artistic representations of our craft benefit our brothers, our lodge, and our entire community.
Jeffery M. Wilkins
Junior Grand Warden
How do you tell a life story, set new goals, and define your legacy—all on a single lapel pin?
Masonic wall charts and floor cloths were once banned as too revealing. Now, they’re central parts of modern lodges.
A stunning new exhibition explores the symbolism behind hand-crafted Masonic folk art.