For Building Social Capital, There’s No Place Like Lodge
Groups like the Masons offer a way to strengthen community, combat loneliness, fight polarization, and maybe even save democracy.
I can think of no organization as dependent upon mentoring as Freemasonry. Masons say, “We take good men and make them better.” But, mentoring does not begin when a man submits his application, or when he is initiated. The good men who are drawn to our brotherhood have received mentorship throughout their lives, from fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and respected friends.
Fathers, whether Masons or not, teach children not only how to do things, but also how to lead moral and fulfilling lives. I was fortunate to have had a very caring father who, though he was not a Mason, guided me by way of example and encouragement. My father-in-law was a member of the fraternity, a 50-year DeMolay and 50-year Mason. Though we might not have realized it at the time, ours was a relationship between mentor and mentee. My great respect for him nurtured my desire to become a Mason. I knew that if he believed as strongly about Masonry as he did, it was an organization that I should be part of.
I look back fondly on Masons in my life who I consider to be great mentors. None of these men were “assigned” to me. I sought them out, or they found me, because we felt a sense of connection and mutual respect. Those who made the deepest impact did not necessarily answer my questions. They encouraged me to explore further to discover my own understanding of the world.
Few relationships are as strong as those between a father and a son, or between Masonic brothers. Mentoring and being mentored cements these bonds between us.
Permission to reprint original articles in CALIFORNIA FREEMASON is granted to all recognized Masonic publications with credit to the author, photographer, and this publication. Contact the editor at editor@freemason.org.
Groups like the Masons offer a way to strengthen community, combat loneliness, fight polarization, and maybe even save democracy.
The new documentary Join or Die revisits a seminal text of contemporary social theory—and makes a powerful case for connection.
The Masonic funeral rite unites Masons and their loved ones in a shared community of symbolism and fraternity.