For Building Social Capital, There’s No Place Like Lodge
Groups like the Masons offer a way to strengthen community, combat loneliness, fight polarization, and maybe even save democracy.
By Stuart A. Wright
Grand Master
As time passes, the objects in our lives evolve. Take, for example, the writing pen. It has advanced from a simple feather quill to a stylish, sometimes even multipurpose, instrument. As the pen has transformed, so has our society beside it. Over the centuries, pens have consecrated the most important documents of our time – constitutions, wars, and peace treaties.
At its 50th anniversary, our California Masonic Foundation has also born witness to, and affected, the transformation of California’s communities. It has improved family literacy through Raising A Reader, brought joy to children through Masons4Mitts, and offered relief to our beloved elders at our Masonic Homes.
These positive effects have come about due to one of our fraternity’s enduring characteristics: commitment. Good habits are part of the world of Freemasonry. We make a habit of going to lodge, of memorizing our ritual, of planning stated meetings, installations, and holidays. And, together, we are making a habit of supporting our Foundation. In the 2017-2018 fraternal year, our generosity was unprecedented. In the first year of the Let’s Write the Future campaign, we raised the most money ever in a single year, setting a record for the most significant contributions in our fraternal history. Together, let us celebrate and continue this positive habit. Year by year, it will make a difference for us all.
When you leave the house today, I encourage you to make another habit – to put a pen into your pocket or bag. Use it to contemplate what your role might be in shaping the future of our society and fraternity. Use it to sign an application or a pledge. Go make a difference!
Groups like the Masons offer a way to strengthen community, combat loneliness, fight polarization, and maybe even save democracy.
The new documentary Join or Die revisits a seminal text of contemporary social theory—and makes a powerful case for connection.
The Masonic funeral rite unites Masons and their loved ones in a shared community of symbolism and fraternity.