Through Masonic Outreach Services, a Lifeline to Those in Need
Thanks to lodge volunteers, Masonic Outreach Services can be everywhere to provide support to those in need.
As we come out of the winter months and into spring, we see renewal all around us. There is a time for all seasons, but I especially love spring. The hills transform from golden yellow to a vibrant green. The flowers begin to bloom on the trees and the bees go to work pollinating them—reminders that even when things look bleak, there is hope for a fresh beginning.
Mortality might seem like a strange theme for our magazine. But it’s an important concept in Freemasonry, so I think it’s fitting that we take this time to delve into the Masonic customs and traditions regarding death and rebirth and the “celestial lodge” above.
That sense of starting again is similar to what’s going on right now in our lodges, which are emerging (hopefully for good) from two years of pandemic. We are finally able to come together and meet in person, rekindle relationships with fellow members, and restart the activities that make our lodges such vibrant places. It’s also a time for us to begin the process of holding degrees and admitting new prospects into our fraternity. They too will join us in our labors as, like the bees, we work to pollinate our society with the tenets of brotherly love, relief, and truth.
When we are raised as Master Masons, we learn about the hope of resurrection. I love that when the time comes for us to finally lay down our working tools, we are brought back to the same passage of Scripture. This brings our Masonic journey full circle. I wish you all the renewal of the spring season and good health. May the Supreme Architect of the Universe watch over you, your families, and our beloved craft.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Jeffery Wilkins, Grand Master of Masons in California
Thanks to lodge volunteers, Masonic Outreach Services can be everywhere to provide support to those in need.
In San Diego, get to know a diversity-focused lodge where membership is an international Masonic melting pot.
Buried among the rocks and rubble of San Francisco’s Aquatic Park breakwater, a reminder of a long-lost Masonic graveyard.